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Breakthrough is Coming

Breakthrough is coming

Babies crying, people whining, my wife smiling, were all things going on for what seemed to be like hours (even though it was only 45 minutes). As we sat waiting patiently in the airport our hearts jumped for joy when over the loud speaker the news came, “ladies and gentlemen we are going to ask that you please spread out on the flight today, we have just over 100 empty seats, so everyone can please take their own row.”

I’m not sure how much flying you’ve done but let me tell you, this RARELY happens. I’m typically waiting to board, looking around at who I don’t want to sit next to, but today I knew it wouldn’t be an issue!

The flight attendant called out “Now boarding A 31-60” and we were ready to go. Or so we thought.

With over 100 empty seats the boarding process was a breeze. We got on in what seemed like a few minutes and then over the speaker we heard, “Ladies and gentlemen that concludes our boarding process, please fasten your seat belts and prepare for takeoff.” And then…we waited another 45 minutes before takeoff! My patience began growing thin after the first 5 minutes of NOT taking off. My wife, I thought she was the calm one in the relationship! Lol!

The baby behind us kept crying and we all kept looking around waiting for the plane to even just move. But it didn’t. So we waited and waited and waited, until finally, it was time.

Once we were finally cleared for takeoff, we approached a 7 plane pileup all waiting to take off as the weather was a little shaky. After another 15 minutes waiting in that line it was finally our turn. The plane engine roared and we were off, right into the dark cloudy ugly sky (as if we weren’t tired enough from getting up at 3am).

As we continued on up and reached 10,000 ft in the air flying through the clouds all I wanted to do was close my eyes and sleep. And then all of the sudden…BOOM…there it was the most beautiful breakthrough I have ever seen. It almost didn’t seem real. I actually couldn’t believe it. The sun shining brighter than ever. The clouds as fluffy as a nice hotel pillow. My heart racing thinking of my mom dancing around in heaven with Jesus. The realization in that moment that everything on the surface isn’t always what it seems.

We all have times in our life where things seem like they couldn’t get any worse. And then all of the sudden, they do. A family member gets sick, someone loses their job, relationships fall apart, people aren’t who you once thought they were, a best friend or family member moves across the country. I’ve been there. In the lowest of lows, the pit of sadness, the depths of doubt, and the frustration of failures.

But I didn’t stay there. And neither will you!

The older anyone gets the more they learn. Some of us grow up faster than others. Some of us experience more than others at a younger age. That’s part of life. Just like the experiences that cause us to grow. For me, my Mom being diagnosed with both liver and colon cancer at the age of 43 was the lowest of lows. At only 20 years old you don’t ever expect to see your Mom so frail, fragile, and weak.

I can remember the day she told me like it was yesterday. I was downstairs (living in my parents basement like all the cool kids did) and she and my dad came down to tell me that she had cancer (they didn’t tell me at that time but it was actually stage 4). At this time in my life my faith in Jesus wasn’t at a place where I believed He would heal her. In fact, I was quite angry and frustrated with God. Breakthrough sure didn’t seem close for her or my family.

Time went on and things got worse before they got better. Chemotherapy would wipe her out every 2 weeks. But that woman just had something special about her. She had that faith that grabbed others attention when you talked to her. She was not going to let her current situation bring her down. And let me tell you, this was contagious. It wasn’t long before I started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Now if I were to stop right there and you didn’t know the end of the story you’d probably think my Mom was miraculously healed. That would be the breakthrough we had been praying for her and our family after all right?

Absolutely. That was 100% what we were praying! But, that’s not the breakthrough she received or the breakthrough our family received. You see my Mom received her eternal breakthrough the instant she crossed from this life to the next and stood face to face with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She was healed in heavenly places in a way that changed her life for eternity because of how she lived in this dark gloomy ugly broken world.

When I first starting writing this blog I wanted to relate the breakthrough I saw on that plane ride to an earthly break through. But then I realized that that’s not always the case. As much as we pray for healing of loved ones, restoration of broken families, and successes in careers, that’s not always the outcome. And if we’re being honest that won’t satisfy our hearts forever. Because another storm will come, another hardship, another failure. And the reason for that is because of the world we live in.

Our true and eternal breakthrough will come the day we meet Jesus. The day the old is passed away, our sin is no longer, sickness is no longer, our careers no longer matter, the houses we live in no longer matter, our status no longer matters. All that matters is that we have made it. We have made it to be in the presence of our King FOREVER. Worshipping Him day in and day out, where a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a single day.

So whatever it is you’re going through. The pain, the hurt, the doubt, the confusion. It will all end. You won’t be there forever. Because when you know and enter into a personal relationship with Jesus He WILL change your life. Maybe not here on this earth, but eternity WILL be your breakthrough. It is coming, because He has already said, “I am coming soon!”

Have you ever been at this point in your life? Work? School? Family? Health? There’s many times in our life where we go through seasons of gloom, struggle, doubt, frustration, crying, and disappointment. In those moments, believe in and pray for breakthrough. And check out Isaiah 43:19 “For I am about to do a brand-new thing. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway in the wilderness for my people to come home. I will create rivers for them in the desert.”

-Mitchel J Wiley

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